God's Law
- Describe how God gave the Ten Commandments to Israel.
- Wonder what would happen if no one obeyed God's rules.
- Suggest ways in which we are to love God and others.
- Pray for help in obeying the rules God gives us.
Leader Reflection
The Ten Commandments don't stand all by themselves; they come embedded in a story, a very important story. After God delivered his people from Egypt and led them into the wilderness, they finally arrived at Mount Sinai, another name for Horeb, the mountain of God (Exodus 3:1).
It is here, at Sinai, that God renews the covenant he made with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, now embracing the whole people of Israel, and the Ten Commandments are the centerpiece of that covenant.
Picture the Israelites encamped at the foot of the craggy and imposing mountain. God makes a special appearance on the mountain, where he speaks to the people through Moses. The Lord recites how he has delivered the people from slavery in Egypt, carrying them out "on eagle's wings." "Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all the nations you will be my treasured possession." The people answer, "We will do everything the Lord has said," and the covenant ceremony begins.
As tenderly and lovingly as the Lord speaks, the whole atmosphere of this encounter is fraught with pyrotechnics and warnings. The God of the covenant is a holy God, and he now claims the Israelites as his holy people. First the people must consecrate themselves, making themselves clean, ready, and prepared for this sacred occasion. Second, God creates a distance between himself and the people. On pain of death, they must not touch the mountain. Only Moses and Aaron can approach God. Third, God appears on the mountain with the cloud; thunder and lightning; fire and smoke; and heart-stopping, loud trumpet blasts.
All of this teaches the people their proper relationship with God, who has saved them and embraced them in covenant love. At the same time the Lord is unapproachable in holiness, calling forth not only the people's love but also a proper and wholesome fear. This is what the Bible calls "the fear of the Lord ," which is "the beginning of wisdom" (Psalm 111:10).
Then God speaks the words of the Ten Commandments, an indescribably rich description of God's will for human life. Notice, first, that these commands are given in the context of grace: "I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the house of slavery." The Commandments are not given in order for the Israelites to become the people of God but because they already are the people of God. Always in the Bible the indicative (who we are) precedes the imperative (what we must do).
The Commandments also have a distinct structure, the first four concerning people's relationship to God and the last six their relationships with their neighbors. That's why Jesus summarizes the law by saying "Love God above all, and your neighbor as yourself."
Finally, notice that most of the Commandments are negative: "You shall not . . ." In the Ten Commandments God is not prescribing how we ought to conduct every aspect of our lives but rather is drawing the boundary lines within which we may freely live as God's people.
This wonderful passage makes clear that obedience to God's law flows out of a trusting relationship with the Lawgiver. We obey the commandments not out of mere duty or fear but from a desire to please God.
How do you experience and respond to the “fear of the Lord”?
What is there about today’s story that impresses you? Disturbs you?
What is the relationship between the gospel and the law in this story, as well as in the Ten Commandments?
You might wonder whether we should be teaching children about the fear of God. Many people think not, regarding fear as the opposite of love. But this is a wonderful opportunity to teach children that the fear of God, in the sense of awe and reverence, is one part of knowing God’s love. Again, relating your personal experience of the fear of God within a loving relationship with God may be the best way to teach this concept.
Children, of course, have lots of experience with the “don’ts” laid down by their parents and teachers. Help them understand these, as well as the “don’ts” of the Ten Commandments, as fences, marking off dangerous territory but within which we may freely live our lives.
Kids don’t always see the value in rules—most would rather go without some of the rules their parents impose, not always realizing that rules contribute to their own safety and happiness. But God’s rules are quite different! They are the bedrock of the Christian life, forming as they do our relationships with God and with others. So teach about these rules with enthusiasm. Let the children sense that, indeed, God’s rules rule!

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