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Hallowed Be Your Name

Dive (6-8)Year 2Unit 6 (What Do I Say When I Pray?)Session 1

Hallowed Be Your Name

In prayer, we ask God to help us to live so that all we think, say, and do honors and praises God.
Faith Nurture Goals
  • Discover how God hallowed his name through Daniel's situation.
  • Offer praise, like Daniel, to our great and holy God.
  • Reflect on ways we can hallow God's name.
Memory Challenge

Leader Reflection


Step 1 Gathering for God's Story

  • number smart
  • word smart
  • ​​people smart

As the group enters, welcome each person and ask how his or her week went. When you’re ready to begin, invite everyone to sit in view of a whiteboard or newsprint. Write “Known Names” on the board/ newsprint and work together to create a list of famous names. These might include actors, athletes, politicians, and so on. Then look at your list and talk together about what makes these names so famous. Is it something the person did or does? Something he or she stands for? What comes to mind when you think of each person?

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